Sunday, April 29, 2012

How to create a Visual Source Safe 6.0 Branch

Hi guys!
A lot of people (including me of courseJ) had a lot of troubles when they had to create their first branch under SourceSafe. Why? In my opinion this program (talking about version 8.* of SourceSafe) has a lot of problems connected with the friendliness of the UI. Actually I think that it isn't user friendly at all. So here are my bits about solving one of the problems – branching. In the following lines I will provide an algorithm in 5 steps about how to do this activity. I do not know whether there is shorter way to do this but for me this is short enough and the most important thing – it works.
The algorithm is the following. I assume that you are in the database, where is the project you want to branch. Note, that the backward blue diagonals on white background cover some data, which is important only for me.
Step 1: Select the root of your DB, right click on it and select Create Project.

Step 2: Give your new project a name – this will be the name of your new branch. Click OK.

Step 3: Go to the folder you just created – right click on it. Select Share to $/ Your_Branch.

Step 4: Select the project which you want to branch. Check Branch after share (in the bottom) and click Share.

Step 5: You can select new name of the project, which will be branched in your new folder (the one which you created on Step 1). Check Recursive. You can add your Comment in the provided box and then click OK.

After these 5 steps you are ready to wait for your new branch. The speed of actual creating the branch depends on your project size, database, etc.
Hope this helps!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

SQL Query Order of Operations

To start out, I thought it would be good to look up the order in which SQL directives get executed as this will change the way I can optimize:
  1. FROM clause
  2. WHERE clause
  3. GROUP BY clause
  4. HAVING clause
  5. SELECT clause
  6. ORDER BY clause
This order holds some very interesting pros/cons:

FROM Clause

Since this clause executes first, it is our first opportunity to narrow down possible record set sizes. This is why I put as many of my ON rules (for joins) as possible in this area as opposed to in the WHERE clause:

WHERE Clause

With the WHERE clause coming second, it becomes obvious why so many people get confused as to why their SELECT columns are not referencable in the WHERE clause. If you create a column in the SELECT directive:


It might confuse people that their calculated SELECT columns (see above) are not available in the WHERE clause, but they ARE available in the ORDER BY clause, but this makes perfect sense. Because the SELECT clause executed right before hand, everything from the SELECT should be available at the time of ORDER BY execution.
I am sure there are other implications based on the SQL clause order of operations, but these are the most obvious to me and can help people really figure out where to tweak their code.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Authentication using WCF and custom-membership-provider

Using the ASP.NET Membership Provider and Authentication Service from Windows Phone 7

Those of you who have been building ASP.NET applications for a while now are no doubt familiar with the provider model, which includes provider abstractions for membership (authentication), roles (authorization), profiles (user data), and session state. These providers make it incredibly easy to provide a secure framework for your application. In fact, with an ASP.NET application template right out of the box, you can have a fully functioning authenticated, secure website in minutes.
What a lot of people have less familiarity with is the notion of provider services. You can actually create a WCF service head that sits on top of the ASP.NET membership system. This allows client applications to authenticate against your ASP.NET website using exactly the same authentication scheme that your users use. This means that a user who has access to your website should also be able to have access to the client application seamlessly.
To see how this works, create yourself a new ASP.NET MVC app (you can do this with a regular ASP.NET app, but I just happened to use MVC). Before doing anything, run the app, go to the “Log On” area, register yourself as a user and then quit the app. If you’ve got SQL Express installed properly and everything else is in order, your app now knows who you are.
Next, add a new WCF service to this application (call it Authentication.svc). Delete the files Authentication.svc.cs and the IAuthentication.cs. Open up the Authentication.svc file and replace it’s contents entirely with the following:

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#"
    Service="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService" %>
Note here that there’s no code-behind. All we’re doing is exposing a service that is already part of the ASP.NET framework at a specific endpoint. You’re not quite ready yet – we have to make this service ASP.NET compatible, so open up your Web.config file and make sure that your system.servicemodel section looks like this:

 <service name="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService"
 <endpoint contract="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService"
     binding="basicHttpBinding" />
 <service name="Wp7AspNetMembership.HelloService"
 <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"
     multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
 <behavior name="AuthenticationServiceBehaviors">
 <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
 <behavior name="">
 <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
 <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
 <authenticationService enabled="true" requireSSL="false"/>
What’s going on in this Web.config file is pretty interesting. First, we’re exposing Authentication.svc and HelloService.svc (not yet created) over HTTP, with metadata allowed, with ASP.NET compatibility enabled. We’ve also used the system.web.extensions element to indicate that the authentication service is being enabled. In a production environment, you would set requireSSL to true.
At this point, you should be able to hit the URL /Authentication.svc and see the standard metadata page. Now let’s create HelloService.svc by creating a standard WCF service. Change the interface so it only has a single method called HelloWorld() that returns a string. The following is the implementation of HelloService.svc.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
namespace MvcApplication1
    RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
 public class HelloService : IHelloService
  public string HelloWorld()
   if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
     return HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
     return "Unauthenticated Person";
This is a pretty simple service. Just pretend that instead of returning the name of the authenticated user, we’re actually performing some vital business function that requires a valid user context.
Now, we can get to the good stuff : the WP7 application :) In this WP7 application we’re going to create a login form, submit user credentials over the wire, get validation results and, if the user was authenticated, we’re going to call the HelloWorld() method with a validated, secure context – all of this with an incredibly small amount of work on the part of the WP7 client.
Add a new WP7 application (just the stock one, not the list view) to the solution, I called mine TestMembershipClient but you can pick whatever you like. Add service references to Authentication.svc and to HelloWorld.svc (I named the reference namespaces MvcWebAppReference for authentication and AspNetMvcRealReference for the service that simulates doing real work).
On your main page, drop a couple text block labels, two text boxes, and a submit button. When you run the app at this point, it should look like this screenshot:
WP7 Login Form
WP7 Login Form
Now rig up a click handler for the submit button with code that looks like this:

private void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
 MvcWebAppReference.AuthenticationServiceClient authService =
   new MvcWebAppReference.AuthenticationServiceClient();
 cc = new CookieContainer();
 authService.CookieContainer = cc;
 authService.LoginCompleted +=
   new EventHandler<MvcWebAppReference.LoginCompletedEventArgs>(
 authService.LoginAsync(UsernameBox.Text, PasswordBox.Text, "", true);
void authService_LoginCompleted(object sender,
 MvcWebAppReference.LoginCompletedEventArgs e)
 if (e.Error != null)
 MessageBox.Show("Login failed, you Jackwagon.");
   AspNetMvcRealReference.HelloServiceClient helloService =
    new AspNetMvcRealReference.HelloServiceClient();
   helloService.CookieContainer = cc;
   helloService.HelloWorldCompleted +=
   new EventHandler<AspNetMvcRealReference.HelloWorldCompletedEventArgs>(
void helloService_HelloWorldCompleted(object sender,
 AspNetMvcRealReference.HelloWorldCompletedEventArgs e)
 MessageBox.Show("You're logged in, results from svc: " + e.Result);
Most of this is pretty straightforward. When the user clicks the submit button, it calls the LoginAsync method on the membership service (remember that all service calls in Silverlight are asynchronous). When we get the results of that call, we either tell the user that their login has failed, or we invoke the HelloWorld method (also asynchronously). When the hello world method comes back from the server, we display the results of the execution in a message box that looks like the one in the screenshot below:
Results of Calling a Secured Service from WP7
Results of Calling a Secured Service from WP7
One thing to take very careful note of is the CookieContainer. Because we’re using two different proxies: 1 to talk to the authentication service and 1 to talk to the hello world service, we have to ensure that these two proxies are using the same cookie container so that the auth cookie can be used by subsequent method calls on other services. You can do this for an unlimited number of services that are on the same DNS domain, so long as they all share the same cookie container. To enable the use of cookie containers in WCF services in Silverlight (it’s disabled by default), you have to set the enableHttpCookieContainer property to true. in the binding element in the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file.
On the surface you might not think this is all that big of a deal. You might also think this is difficult but, keep in mind that I provided a pretty detailed walkthrough. This whole thing only took me about 15 minutes to set up from start to finish once I’d figured out how the CookieContainer thing worked. So why bother with this?
Consider this: If you already have an ASP.NET application that is using the membership provider, role provider, and profile provider you can quickly, easily, and securely expose services to a mobile (WP7) client that allow that client to have secured, remote access to services exposed by that site. In short, any user of your existing web application can use their existing credentials to log in from their WP7 device and access any services you decide to make available.
ASP.NET provider services, coupled with WP7 and the fact that Silverlight has access to WCF client proxy generation, means you can very easily prep your site for a rich WP7 experience.

How to Write Case Statement in SQL

Select  StudentId,
when StudentExpiryDate<getdate() then
StudentName + ' [Expired]'
StudentName from ms_survey_corporate where StudentId=2000