Thursday, March 28, 2013

Adding custom fields to a VS2012 MVC4 SimpleMembership system

Adding custom fields to a VS2012 MVC4 SimpleMembership system
Add custom columns/fields to your MVC4 SimpleMembership "UserProfile" table
MVC 4 in Visual Studio 2012 introduces the new SimpleMembership Provider as its default web-based authentication system. While this system is much simpler than the earlier ASPNETDB system that it replaces, there definitely are a few new and neat tricks to be learnt.

One of them is: How do I add custom fields to my MVC 4 registration system?

It can be done in just 4 simple steps:

1. Start up VS 2012, and create a new MVC 4 web project. Set up your SimpleMembership registration system - for some help, please see post on setting up a SimpleMembership Provider in a VS2012 MVC4 project.

2. Next, run the project and navigate to the login page, so that the tables get created. It is not necessary to create a user at this point.

3. Then, in your database, alter the table UserProfile, and add a column: FullName (nvarchar(50)).

4. Next, add/reference the new FullName field in the following programs in your project:
In class UserProfile, in AccountModels.cs (to ensure the class matches the table columns):

    public class UserProfile
        public int UserId { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        // Customization: Field(s) added
        public string FullName { get; set; }

In class RegisterModel, in AccountModels.cs (to enable handling on the registration form):

    public class RegisterModel
        // Existing code
        // ...

        // Customization: Field(s) added
        [Display(Name = "Your full name")]
        public string FullName { get; set; }

In the Register.cshtml view (so it'll appear on the user registration form), add a new li element with the following content:
    @Html.LabelFor(m => m.FullName)
    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FullName)

In the [HttpPost] Register ActionResult, in AccountController.cs, modify the call to the CreateUserAndAccount method (to write the new column to your database):
    // Customization: Field(s) added when creating a new account
        new { FullName = model.FullName }

Now run your program and register a new user, supplying a value for the FullName field... success! The new row created in your database table contains the value supplied for the new column!

Note: This post covers how to create a custom column. A near-future post will explain how to access the value of that column from within your VS 2012 MVC 4 projects. Please re-visit my blog occasionally :)

Happy coding!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Solution to Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException

If all of the above doesn't Work I have a full proof Working solution :)
Add this Attribute to your script Manager EnablePartialRendering="true"

  Like below:  
  <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager ID="_scriptManager" runat="server" ScriptMode="Release" CompositeScript-ScriptMode="Release" AllowCustomErrorsRedirect="False"  
     EnablePartialRendering="true" >  
 And in code behind write this code   
  Protected Sub _scriptManager_HandleErrors(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs) Handles _scriptManager.AsyncPostBackError  
     If e IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.Exception IsNot Nothing Then  
       Logger.Current.LogError(e.Exception.Message, e.Exception)  
       'Changed to catch the Error in Master Page Ajax Error Control Sys.webforms  
       _scriptManager.AsyncPostBackErrorMessage = e.Exception.Message  
     End If  
   End Sub  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Deploying your site with SQL CE 4.0 to shared webhosting

If you have a VPS or dedicated server, you got full access to it and normally shouldn’t run into any problems. But when you’re using shared webhosting, your actions are very limited. This post describes the errors you’ll most likely run into the first time you try this, and how to solve them.
You can either deploy from within Visual Studio or FTP the files to your host. If you hit the URL to your website, you’ll most likely get following configuration error with the according web.config fragment below:
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
You get this error because most providers don’t have SQL CE 4.0 assemblies installed (yet?). This means you’ll have to 'bin deploy' the assemblies together with your site. Visual Studio 2010 provides a "Add Deployable Dependencies..." context menu item, which let you choose to add the required assemblies for Razor or SQL Server Compact to the Bin folder.

With some 'luck' you hit the next error once you solved the problem above and refreshed the page:
Parser Error Message: Access to the database file is not allowed. [ 1884,File name = somepath\App_Data\YourDatabase.sdf,SeCreateFile ]
For this error you have to give read + write access to the App_Data folder, usually done in the File Manager of your hosting control panel. If you got this error on your private server, check if the service running the Application Pool (e.g. Network Service) has these rights on the folder. You will also have to add following line of code (e.g. in the global.asax file):
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("SQLServerCompactEditionUnderWebHosting", true);
This is because, by default, SQL CE blocks access when the connection is opened under the ASP.NET networking process. Once I ran through these steps, I got everything up and running without any hiccups.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Upgrading- Updating- Migrating ASP.Net 2.0 to ASP.Net 4.0

Today I upgraded our ASP.Net 2.0 project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 targeting .Net 4.0.
I ran into some issues and just wanted to list them here so others might be forewarned.
  1. Our solution has 5 web applications and many other class library projects. When the upgrade "wizard" was running it asked me with a prompt dialog if I wanted the web application project to target .Net 4.0 instead of .Net 2.0. There is also a check box on that dialog "Do this for all other web projects" which I checked.
However, after the upgrade was completed I found that none of the web application projects other than the initial one it asked me about had been set to .Net 4.0. I had to make these changes manually.
Also, none of the other class libraries were set to .Net 4.0 either. My preference would be that it asks once for the whole solution. I can't imagine that many people would want some projects targeting 2.0 and some targeting 4.0 in the same solution.
  1. When setting the targeting for C# project the option is on the application page of the properties designer. However, in VB projects to get to the targeting selection you have to change to the compile page then click on the "Advanced Options..." dialog to get to the targeting selection.
  2. the membership, profile, role providers have been moved from the System.Web assembly to the System.Web.ApplicationServices. When you modify the target version on your Web application projects to 4.0 this reference is added for you. However, if you have class libraries that use those provider classes you'll have to add this reference to the project yourself.
  3. While we are moving to Entity Framework our current primary data access method is currently typed Datasets and TableAdapters. (Yes I know, it was not my design). Be aware that some of the dataset classes have been moved into System.Data.DataSetExtensions. This reference will be added to the classes where you define your typed datasets when you change the targeting to version 4.0. However it will not be added to projects where you consume your datasets and tableadapters. You must add this reference manually.
  4. It appears that a change was made to the MSDataSetGenerator custom tool. One of our datasets had a "Name" property that was misspelled and didn't match the name of the .XSD file. In .Net 2.0 the dataset's name was used. It appears that in .Net 4 the dataset name property is used. Fixing the typo in the dataset name property resolved all the errors where the dataset was not found.
Well that's about it. All in all upgrading to VS 2010 and .Net framework 4 is not too painful. Of course I am only to the point where it compiles without error. I expect I will run into some issues when we start testing.

The Complete List of Migration Issues Upgrading from 3.5 to .NET 4.0

Today I upgraded our ASP.Net 3.5 project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 targeting .Net 4.0.
I ran into some issues and just wanted to list them here so others might be forewarned.
Microsoft has published a complete list of issues migrating from .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to .NET 4.0. The list contains changes in 6 domains: Core, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WCF, WPF, and XML.
.NET applications compiled for .NET 3.5 run without any problem if .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on the same machine because the two frameworks are installed in parallel and do not interfere with each other. But there are problems if an application is recompiled for .NET 4.0 because Microsoft’s latest runtime introduces some breaking changes but also some enhancements.
The changes appear in the following 6 domains:
The list of changes is relatively long, so we won’t cover them here. Some of them are:
Application configuration file name change“If your application configuration file is named application-name.config, rename it to application-name.exe.config. For example, renameMyApp.config toMyApp.exe.config.”
Code Access Policy has been turned off.See Code Access Security Policy Compatibility and Migration.
Apps running trusted code in the global cache might fail due to CAS policy change.See Code Access Security in ASP.NET 4 Applications.
ASP.NET 2.0 apps installed on IIS 6.0 may generate errors after ASP.NET 4.0 is installed.Either disable ASP.NET 4.0 or move ASP.NET 2 apps to an IIS instance that does not have ASP.NET 4 installed.
The Page Parser in ASP.NET 4.0 is stricter.Errors generated by invalid markup should be fixed.
Streams“WCF Data Services no longer closes the underlying stream for read and write operations.”
Events“A System.Data.Linq.EntitySet(Of TEntity) collection now raises the ListChanged event for add and remove operations if the EntitySet(Of TEntity) is unloaded, in addition to raising the event when the collection is loaded.”
Queries“Skip(0) is no longer ignored in LINQ to SQL queries. As a result, queries that have this method might behave differently. For example, in some cases, an OrderBy clause is required with Skip(0) and the query will now throw a NotSupportedException exception if the OrderBy clause was not included.”
Configuration filesWCF support merging across config files.
Service hosting“You can no longer specify the configuration element at the service level by adding the attribute allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" to the element definition.Specifying the element at the service level is technically incorrect and causes inconsistent behavior.”
Exception handling“To enable errors to be detected earlier, WPF throws a TargetInvocationException and sets the InnerException property to critical exceptions, such as NullReferenceException,OutOfMemoryExceptionStackOverflowException, and SecurityException, instead of catching the original exception.”
Windows style“An InvalidOperationException is thrown if you try to set WindowStyle to a value other thanNone when AllowsTransparency is true andWindowState is Minimized.”
Dialog boxes“To improve reliability, the CommonDialog.ShowDialogmethod is called on the same thread that created theMicrosoft.Win32.FileDialog control.”
Namespace resolvers“The XmlReader.ReadContentAs method no longer ignores theIXmlNamespaceResolver resolver passed to it.”
Whitespace“To prevent data loss when you are creating a reader, the XmlReader.Create method no longer discards significant white space.”